This recording features traditional music from the Scottish Highlands performed by staff, students and graduates from the BA (Hons) Gaelic and Traditional Music Degree Programme at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Scotland’s Gaelic college on the Isle of Skye. All music was recorded, mixed and mastered at Stiùidio Ostaig, the college’s new commercial audio recording studio (
Artists include Allan Henderson, Decker Forrest, Christine Primrose, Ingrid Henderson, Murdo Cameron as well as Lindsay Mitchell, who won the 2009 Mòd Traditional Gold Medal while studying on the Programme and Caroline Keane from the University of Limerick, Ireland who studied on the Programme as part of the international exchange programme in 2010. For more information please visit
Air a’ chlàr seo tha ceòl traidiseanta na Gàidhealtachd le luchd-obrach, oileanaich is luchd-ceumnachaidh a’ chùrsa BA (le Urram) Gàidhlig is Ceòl Traidiseanta, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Colaiste Gàidhlig na h-Alba, an t-Eilean Sgitheanach. Chaidh an ceòl gu lèir a chlàradh, a mheasgachadh is a mhaighstireadh ann an Stiùidio Ostaig, stiùidio clàraidh coimeirsealta ùr na colaiste (
Tha Ailean MacEanraig, Decker Forrest, Cairistìona Primrose, Ingrid NicEanraig is Murchadh Camshron am measg an luchd-ciùil, cuide ri Liondsaidh NicMhìcheil, a choisinn Bonn Òr an t-Seann Nòis an 2009 agus Caroline Ní Chatháin às Ollscoil Luimnigh, Èirinn, a bha a-bhos an 2010 mar oileanach air a’ phrògram iomlaid eadar-nàiseanta. Gheibhear an tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig
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"Nacno", Scotland –
Tha an clàr ùr seo uabhasach math agus na dheagh bhlasad de thàlant oileanaich agus luchd-obrach an t-Sabhail Mhòir. ‘S math a rinn sibh uile. A great CD from the College showing that there remains a wealth of talent among students at staff at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Well done all involved!
ON AMAZON UK 4th April 2012